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01. RARE Spider Witch Dress - Black - Fanshii

01. RARE Spider Witch Dress - Black - Fanshii
01. RARE Spider Witch Dress - Black - Fanshii
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This is the 01. RARE Spider Witch Dress - Black - Fanshii. A rare black dress from the Fanshii gacha collection. This spider witch dress comes in the sizes of Reborn, Legacy and Maitreya and the dress set comes in the original box. Will need unpacking before use. I am getting rid and reselling this because I don't want it and don't really need it and having a clear out.

  • sizes to fit Reborn, Legacy and Maitreya
  • Rare black dress as seen in the image
  • Rare gacha number 1
  • comes in original box and will need unpacking

L$ 330

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(cantidades limitadas disponibles)
Vendido por: shannon09star

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