36 Fluttering butterflies covering a 4x4 meter area using 4 prims.
To use on land or as attachment.
The butterflies are textures that move on six mesh circles (tracks).
You can control the speed, select random track changes and let them follow you:
- 8 speeds
- 5 different butterflies in 2 sets
- random track changes
- following function when attached
The package also contains a simple, non scripted version to save script resources.
You can modify the tracks positions and rotations, and add more tracks.
!!! Try the attached DEMO before buying !!!
The DEMO is wear only
Best Butterflies in SL!!!
these butterflies are not only beautiful and perfect for what i wanted! they are better than i could ever of dreamed of! the easy to use hud to set them up is amazing! i love that it has randomize setting but also Fly changeON - changes the tracks over time! and can select out of 3 different sets of colors! beautiful :) and the follow setting really makes it look more realistic movement when you are walking or moving around with them attached. all in all great price for a great product! thank you!
Cute, Colorful, Lovely
These butterflies are very pretty and quite unique in some ways because of their clever scripting. Three different color sets are included which can blend into most settings well. My favorite part is the "randomize" feature which automatically shuffles the butterflies into a unique pattern.
Since they can be worn or simply rezzed in the world, you can take them with you everywhere. It's fun to have them follow you around! ^///^ The prim count is quite low and the scripts are very low memory and lag plus a non-scripted version was also included.
As a bonus, these butterflies have modify permissions so they can be moved/sized/linked or manipulated however you wish. You can even delete the scripts (they'll keep moving).
Overall, I'm very satisfied and I think you will be too! My land is going to be swarming with these beauties. ;3