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[7+] Ancient Ruins : Scene A1

[7+] Ancient Ruins : Scene A1
[7+] Ancient Ruins : Scene A1
2 Reseñas

[7+] Ancient Ruins: Scene A1
3 Different Styles Desert, Jungle, Underwater

●High-Quality Model & Texture
●Material-Ready ( Please enable advanced light )
●Best for medium graphic
●Land impact 160
( Building 64 )
( Plant 85 )
( Ground 5 )
( Light 6 )
●Copy, Modify, No Transfer
●Size 29x29

High resolution pictures

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Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star full star
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nice and felxible to use
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado February 13, 2023 por TronMcp

The set constist of modular pieces and can be modified. So i split and enhanced the the set to a huger buiding with more comlums. Quality is good. The 3 differentd textures and plants allow to use it flexible for desert, underwater and jungle. A very nice set if you have enough space and prims.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado February 13, 2022 por Chantale Anatine

Wonderful created, LOD is great, physics is great, it looks great and you can unlink pieces like column, stones, stairs, platforms and change the complete layout, I did not unlink all but so far each piece was 1 Li. This creator really knows how to make great things for virtual worlds/games!

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L$ 499

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Vendido por: Tonnakub Brianna

Se necesita terreno

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Impacto en el terreno: 160