[AD] L'Atelier Designs - Aquila Garden

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Place of peace and tranquility, ideal for relaxation or meditation.
Plants with little bird & bee on/off animated.

This garden has been realized as part of the "Multi-Houses" Concept launched by l'Atelier.
This Concept is designed to meet the needs of those who like modify or reorganize their home, reducing, adding or creating new spaces.
Each new build is an assembly of various reusable parts, allowing you to play with sizes and textures and creating your own style.

Mesh items, copy modif, easily resizable and texturable at your convenience for your personal use.

Save money and check the Demo inworld.

Thank you for your interest in our work.

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  • Meshed item Copy, Modify, no Transfer
  • Rezz Box
  • 52LI - can be impacted if resized
  • Size 25 x 26

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L'Atelier Designs (ex Arcanata Designs)
L'Atelier Designs (ex Arcanata Designs)
Visitar la tienda
Vendido por: Lilyan Arcana
Se necesita terreno

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • 0 estrellas 0 Reseñas

  • Permisos:
    Copiar Modificarlo Transferencias Usuario con licencia
  • Reenvío automático
  • Impacto en el terreno: 52
  • Malla: 100% Malla