Male AO Man AO Bento Yagami Light Man AO bento mocap male animations Kira book male AO bento man animations Death Note
Please test in world first to see if the animations fit your style.
To use the Male Bento Man AO just add to wear.
On top you can find buttons for:
Picture AO icon preloaded with forced arms positions which cycle on/off by clicking the button to blend with the stands so you get a different attitude and more combinations of moves. You can select one specific position from the menu if you cycle off when you want to hold a weapon/prop in your arm. You can add up to 22 animations in the HUD button and they automatically update, no notecard changes needed for this.
For Bento users there are buttons for left and right hand, click to cycle on/off for easy movement of bento hands. Stop the cycle and choose from the menu a single position when holding a weapon or a prop.
preloaded with fullbody actions like dances, attacks or other fullbody actions, you might need to turn off the AO for them to work. You can add your own animations in the button HUD by edit linked parts and it will update automatically.
You can easily change the options from the menu buttons of the HUD: change the walks, the standing times, random or sequential etc.
If there are other objects provided you can attach those too and see how they blend in with the AO or the classic system animations. You can modify the AO, add your own animations, extract animations to use in your own AO or just play around with the objects but try to make a backup first.
Thank you again and if any problems occur send me a notecard.
Have a nice day!
Azumi Runo
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Man AO Male AO Bento mocap male animations bento man animations
- Man AO Male AO Bento mocap male animations bento man animations
- Man AO Male AO Bento mocap male animations bento man animations
- Man AO Male AO Bento mocap male animations bento man animations
- Man AO Male AO Bento mocap male animations bento man animations