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!APHORISM! Jana Jeans Pale Blue

!APHORISM! Jana Jeans Pale Blue

!APHORISM! - Jana Jeans - Light Blue v2

UPDATED May 24 - New sizes and colours added to packs.

The Jana Jeans come with 4 buttons options + a customizable belt with 2 leather strap colours, 4 buckle colours & 8 stones colours + show/hide.

Fatpacks are fully customizable and discounted.

Sizes -
Maitreya Classic/LaraX - Reborn - GenX Classic/Curvy - Freya - Legacy

Try DEMO for all options.

All !APHORISM! releases are designed with user experience, as well as style, in mind. We try wherever possible to reduce the render weight of all our products (low render weight = less lag)

All !APHORISM! Mesh products/textures are handmade/original and exclusive.

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Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • APHORISM Jana Jeans, Belt
  • Original Mesh - Low Lag
  • Materials Enabled - Hud driven
  • Low Lag
  • Maitreya Classic/LaraX - Reborn - Legacy - GenX Classic/Curvy, Freya