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Airport Terminal Building Versión 3.2

Airport Terminal Building
Airport Terminal Building
0 Reseñas

This Airport Terminal Building is based on the actual Terminal of 'Les Eplatures' in Swiss. This is the highest located airport in Europe. The terminal has a general format so it can be used for any (small) airport.
To give a realistic view a background texture of the actual airport is added. Also a set of Taxiway textures to set up your own taxiway (straights, corners and endings)*
The build consists of several rooms that can be labeled as Entree/ reception, pilots briefing room, customs, arrival, departure and panorama deck.
The building is copy & modify (except 3rd party doorscripts)

*Unmentioned accesoiries shown on pictures are not included

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Offices, customs, reception, arrival & departure
  • Panorama and Luggage facilities
  • Based on realistic Les Eplatures terminal building
  • Easy rezzer to place and position your build
  • Incl. Taxiway, Airport signs and Background Textures

L$ 1,250

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


Ocean Side
Ocean Side
Vendido por: Elin Baudin

Se necesita terreno

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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0 Reseñas
  • Copiar
  • Modificarlo
  • Transferencias
  • Usuario con licencia
Reenvío automático
Malla: Malla parcial
Impacto en el terreno: 107