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Amy Full Child Avatar **BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL!**

Amy Full Child Avatar **BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL!**
Amy Full Child Avatar **BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL!**
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This is the full version of Amy. She's mod so you can change her to fit your needs. Also the shirt is mesh with three different sizes.

Inside this package you also get some 'thank you' freebies. Yes...I said FREEBIES! LOL So check them out

My shop is on the beach called "Create Yourself & Making Memories shapes & more".. a place to hang out, & do a little shopping (added some clothes). But most of all to find the perfect shape to fit your fav bikini. Hope to see you there.

L$ 199

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Obtener la versión de prueba
♥♥Making Memories♥♥
♥♥Making Memories♥♥
Vendido por: MayasQuest

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

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