G General

Ankh Temple Versión V 1.1

Ankh Temple


perms = COPY MOD noTRANS
foot print = 140 x 150 meters ca. (fit in, at least, a half sim)
prims = 847

What say about it...one of my best buildings ;) that you must see!...anyway:
A classic Egyptian temple, perfectly constructed, two tall towers with stairs leading to a room in high floor. Huge patio with beautiful columns, statues of Anubis and Bast fully sculpted, three balconies (one large and two small) and a spacious terrace and a back door.
The interiors: a large main hall with altar and throne (with multiposes), columns, two doors leading to the crypt (behind altar) in the upstairs there is a large hallway with 3 rooms, main room with a private bathroom. Torches, lamps, chandeliers, potted plants, vases, frames (you can drag your picture) and a table and chairs complete the work.

DOORS (and the Central Control next to the main entrance):
All doors come with AeonVox system control (with documentation) for have the most customizable access.
You will find different "Central control" for the doors that control each zone.
Central Control & doors quick use:
- To manage each door with a independent setup Left-click and hold over the door until the setup menu will appear.
- To manage all the door with the same setup use the "Central Control" click on it and the setup menu will appear.

To change the poses click SHIFT + arrows keys LEFT and RIGHT
To adjust the height use PageUp / PageDown keys or E and C

- To turn off/on the internal lamps and candelabrums, stand near the source of light that want control and say the command in local chat and without quotes!: "lamp on / lamp off"
- All the outside torches (and those of the towers) are AUTOMATIC, their will turn off/on with the SL time; anyway their respond to the command "light on / light off"
NOTE: can also "shout", so not need be near each group of lights

1- Place the rezzbox at the ground in an large space (at least you need 1/2 sim) the rezz box start rezzing near the main entrance, if need help for rezz and place the build feel free to contact me.
2- Rezz the build by click the box and then "REZ", wait the message in local chat "All parts rezzed"
4- Drag (move) or rotate the rezz box until you find the desired position
5- When finish to place the build, and all is ok, click again the rezzbox and then click "DONE" (for remove the scripts of the rezzer), then can delete your rezzbox.

If you have some question i glad to help you, drop me a notecard:
rokoloco72 Zapatero

Thanks for your purchase!

Visit the RKTF main shop, you will find many items for your house, your land at prices really low! and almost everything cop/mod

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