G General

Antenna Beam

Antenna Beam

Antenna Beam (����, tsuno bīmu) is a bolt of electricity fired from the antennae. The attack shocks its victims, stunning them.

It is first seen when Goku invades Muscle Tower, one of the main bases of the Red Ribbon Army, and faces Buyon. The monster uses this attack to daze Goku, allowing the monster the chance to try and swallow him, though Goku quickly escapes from the creature's mouth.

It is next seen during the 23rd Tenka'ichi Budôkai in which it is used by Piccolo Junior. After Goku hits Piccolo with a punch driven by a kamehameha he blasted from his feet, Piccolo quickly retaliates with the electric blast. Goku is then sent crashing to the ground and left vulnerable to a follow-up attack, though Kami intervenes and blocks it.

For use wear the object and use the gesture....simple to use ^^


Dragonball , dragon ball , Goku , Sayan , Majin bu - buu , dragonballZ , Vegeta , Guldo , Junior , Piccolo , Ki Blast , Kamehameha , Gotenks , Freezer