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[BREATHE]-Ayeka Heels-Nude-M.Lara

[BREATHE]-Ayeka Heels-Nude-M.Lara
[BREATHE]-Ayeka Heels-Nude-M.Lara
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Thank you for checking out my store!

Shop GIMME SHOES and only buy exactly what you want without the gamble!

This is a great pair of shoes from BREATHE that comes with a color change HUD to adjust accents on shoes


THERE ARE NO REFUNDS. I am not the creator of this item, I am only a reseller.- this item is a no copy / transferable and is likely an individual one — so I can't redeliver it. If there are any issues I will see to them within 24 hours.

Please contact me if you have any questions about my Market Place listings

PHOTOS: I do all my own photography and design work - it takes a long time. Please do not use them.
If however, you are looking to have some custom photography or graphic design needs please IM LuLuLag in SL.

  • 1 pair of Shoes with HUD

L$ 155

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(cantidades limitadas disponibles)
Gimme Shoes Gatcha
Vendido por: Starry Galaxy

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Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

Es apta para los avatares de malla
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