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Bahia Tiki- Chocolate Curtain Texture Set

Bahia Tiki- Chocolate Curtain Texture Set

Fabric textures for home decor! Part of the Candy Collection, this set contains Full Perm Textures in a resolution of 512 X 512 px, ( SL optimized) that will allow you to build your own curtains, with realistic shade and highlight effects.
Textures were grouped together to form a set that matches, within the same color palette, with variations of pattern to add interest to the decor;

Bahia Tiki Textures are Full Permission, meaning you can use them within Second Life and sell your own projects;
You cannot, however, resell them or redistribute them as textures, as copyright laws apply. We reserve the right to have Linden Lab remove any content that we believe goes against these rules in accordance with DCMA. Please see http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php for more information.

Bahia Tiki has set these textures Full Perm so that they can help you with your work, and future releases will depend on how our trust is not abused; Please refer to Bahia Furniture Store so that other people can get their own legitimate copy of these sets;

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