Very nice and cute Bellyring with little hearts
Also available as Custom Bellyring with
Name's Girl
..... Baby .... Pet .... Angel
.... Love ..... Wife .... Toy .... Princess
Owned by .....
Property of .....
Nearly everything is possible
Just IM Suzy Martinek or send a Notecard
I am doing a lot of custom work. Personalized Tattoos, Sandwritings, Certificates, Flags, Signs, Poofer ....
Perfect for Lovers or as a present to a birthday, a wedding or an anniversary.
Please have a look in my shop.
Bei mir gibt es sehr viele personalisierte Dinge mit euren Namen. Tattoos, Sandschriften, Fahnen, Schilder, Urkunden, Poofer .....
Perfekt auch als Geschenk !
Schaut doch mal in meinem Shop.