G General

Bel's Basic Sound Trigger Versión 1.1

Bel's Basic Sound Trigger

Add a sound file of your choice to an object, put this script in it and when you touch it, the sound will play. Easy as that!

There are some limitations of course: It'll only play one sound and it's at full volume. If there are more than one sound file in the object's inventory, it will pick the first one alphabetically..

+ v.1.1 (19-10-19): Added an autoupdate feature. The script will now check for changes to the object's inventory and recognise when sounds are added or removed.

Copyrights and permissions

Bel's Basic Sound Trigger is a copyable and transferable freebie from Bel's Scripts, the script department of the OPQ group. You have permission to:
+ Use the script any way you like for your own items within Second Life
+ Include it as part of any build you sell or give away as long as it is *either* copyable or modifiable, not both
+ Give the script away to anybody within Second Life as long as you
- don't charge any money of any kind for it
- Include the *whole package - the script itself, this notecard and the attached landmark to OPQ's main store at Coniston.

You do *not* have permission to:
- Transfer or use the script outside Second Life
- Modify the script in any way.

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