British P-1895 Khaki Victorian Colonial Pith Helmet
2016 February
Mesh art work
0.1 download
0.4 physic
0.5 server
517 display
0.223 X 0.3 X 0.257 meters surface
1 prim land impact
copy and mod
1 Texture diffuse with bumpiness (normal) and shininess (specular), glossiness 255, environment 1,
Mode ultra viewer
Available to see inworld in main shop. Accessories holo rezzer.
1. We are not responsible for the smooth running of the object if the customer makes any changes.
2. We recommend these high-quality objects using high performance viewers. (ultra).
3. Modifying the following parameter:
Advanced/Show Debug Settings/RenderVolumeLODFactor, value at least 4.500
Ver el artículo en Second LifeNot user friendly
Apart from having to turn off 'Bump mapping and shiny' in Preferences to get rid of the glowing white highlights, and having to change settings in advanced menu, an 1895 British pith helmet should not display a silhouette of a helicopter and Russian text.