{C} Reborn Canine Legs - BOM

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• I do offer these legs full perm to content creators! IM me in world

What you will get:
• Mesh Legs {Rigged} {Fitted}
• BoM Compatible


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I also own Bullseye;


•• Almost every Caboodle product comes with a DEMO, please try before you buy!

••• Almost every Caboodle product also come with a FULL PERM version for a higher price.

•••• Caboodle also sells kits with multiple pieces to create a full look.

Thank you,
Caboodle Staff


I work with Photoshop because it's more fully-featured than a lot of the other graphics suites out there. I state pretty clearly in my product descriptions that anyone who buys these needs to be able to use Photoshop files; I can't really have a policy of also going back and altering my work for every person who doesn't have Photoshop, else I'd have to just sacrifice quality to make all of my product accessible for other platforms to begin with.



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Vendido por: Swipes
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