+CAF+ Cetus Avatar
Please note this avatar is needing an update to include new BOM skins and markings.
Our progress was slowed due to medical emergencies.
Thank you.
The Cetus is an intelligent virus like being, artificially created. They do wonders as deep divers, search and rescue, pest control and much more.
Full avatar
Full AO
Basic dev kit included. ( UV, Spec and normal maps)
More complex dev kit coming soon.(FBX + Rigging model)
Feedback and bug reports are welcome.
For support join our discord or our in world group.
originally thought it was weird
Bought this avatar because I originally thought it was really weird but have definitely grown to love it
L$ 2,000
Es necesaria la apertura
Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
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