*C.C* Chaos Raptor ModKit for ONA Snaggletooth Kobold

!Aside the object for the Tail gap, this ModKit only contains Appliers and Textures!
Also requires some Modding Skills to put everything together.
~June 19th, 2018~
Because of another friend of mine I noticed that some of the raptor skins have textures that makes the skin/membrane on the side of the mouth have different colors, and I only had the cream color that has a pale pink color so I never thought much about it since I could easily tint it, because of that I ended making and adding an extra white texture for it in this kit if you feel like tinting that part to fit this mod style!
~June 8th, 2018~
After a friend found out you can actually make the rigged neck work with the Kobold body, I made new textures for the head and neck to work with that version and the mod now comes with a notecard explaining everything about it and how to make it work.
..::Avatar body::..
*ONA Snaggletooth Kobold:
..::Raptor Parts::..
*Kinzart Kreetures Raptor Avatar:
*Tooth and Claw Raptor Avatar:
*[Infineon] Kobold Raptor Feet:
*FUZZBUTTS Kobold Bento Hands (Claw version):
*KD - Dragon Roundtip Tail:
Permissions: The 'HideGap' object is COPY/MOD while all the Appliers and Textures available are COPY only.
L$ 250
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