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Creative and versatile wardrobe.
Choose your favourite from a selection of colours that suits your life and your style too - it comes with a HUD texture change options
Specifications and content:
♥ Wardrobe: 8 LI
♥ HUD Texture Change
Visit our IN-WORLD Store for a closer look. Surl below.
Enjoy and Have Fun!
Secondlife copyrighted by nanda Marjeta.
Please, Rate your purchase. Your opinion is crucial for continuous improvement in quality products CHEZ MOI.
Thank you and Enjoy! :)
Nanda Marjeta
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Ver el artículo en Second Lifelow prim and high quality
this is a cute little wardrobe for tiny spaces that don't have a closet! And I love the texture change option. I would consider adding some animations in the future, like a sorting through clothes, tying shoes, or reading magazine (: otherwise, perfect