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=CHIPARUS/SE= Colorwall (Boxed)

=CHIPARUS/SE= Colorwall (Boxed)
=CHIPARUS/SE= Colorwall (Boxed)
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Chiparus Colorwall

The Chiparus Colorwall is a small wallpiece with random colors and lightning. If's perfect to lighten up your club on empty wall spaces. If you get bored of the lights, touch them and they will randomize themselves.

Installation & Usage

Just rezz it on a wall and see what happens. Touch the Colorwall to regenerate it's random patterns.

Technical Specs

Prims: 5
Prim Permissions: Copy & Modify
Script Permissions: Copy & No Modify
Size: 10m x 4m x 0.125m, resizable to approx 80cm wide.

Related Products

The Chiparus Colorwall is part of the =CHIPARUS= Stage Equipment product line. See these links for other Stage Equipment products.

Chiparus Animwall
Chiparus UFOGlow
Chiparus Dirty Dancefloor
Chiparus Danceball
Chiparus Ceiling Fogger
Chiparus Sculpted Truss
Chiparus Partylights
Chiparus Alienlight
Chiparus Rotorlight
Chiparus Max Light Set

More Information

Most of the Stage Equipment products can be seen in-world at the Stage Equipment Club

Or visit the Chiparus Mainstore.

L$ 50

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Tomarus Lednev

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

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