CaptainSparklez Meme Box Versión 0.2

Two gestures based on a popular meme (at this moment) as an homage to CaptainSparklez!
Though the gestures are packed in alphabetical order, you should know by now which ones comes first!
Just Right Click > Activate both gestures and use the / commands in the chat! Things will fall into place in due time! Enjoy!
- Two Gestures with sound
- Cute Creeture Box you can knock over
- hilarity!
L$ 5
Es necesaria la apertura
Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
0 Reseñas
- Copiar
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- Transferencias
- Usuario con licencia
Reenvío automático
Impacto en el terreno: 1