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Cheap & Chic! Scilla box T0 [Genus]

Cheap & Chic! Scilla box T0 [Genus]

Cheap & Chic! NEW Face skins and tones 2020

Face skin made for Genus Project, mesh head is NOT included.

You are buying T0

package include:

- face applier (with and without brows);
- BOM version (with and without brows);
- 2 bloody tears (only BoM);
- 5 eyebrows option (only BoM);
- body shapes;
- brows shapes.

Joining our free inworld group, you will recive a 10% discount on this produtc.

Body skins are sold separately, see related items below.

Try demo before purchase, no refund allowed.

For any info send a notecard to Lara Luminos or Nail Flux.