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Cheval D'or / TeeglePet Belgian / Lambskin Saddle. [HUD]

Cheval D'or / TeeglePet Belgian / Lambskin Saddle. [HUD]

Designed for the TeeglePet Belgian only,
will not fit any other rideable, OR avatar.

This lambskin saddle comes with high quality detailed fur pad textures, padded fabric and metals.
Fur can be changed to: Black, Brown and Beige. Pad: Black, white and brown and metals: Rainbow, Gold, Silver.

The fur has 4 layers, bringing out the extra fluffy detailed look in it.

Store policy:
READ the signs, titles, and descriptions, we list our products with correct titles, and detailed description to make it easier to work out if this fits your horse.
If you purchase this and it doesn't fit your horse, it is on YOU, not us. Read the titles! Contact us if you're unsure.

I reserve all rights to eventually retire a product from Marketplace and Caspervend to clear out for new products in the future.

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