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Chun li Street Fighter Avatar

Chun li Street Fighter Avatar
Chun li Street Fighter Avatar
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Chun li Street Fighter Avatar
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100% mesh rigged

Custom blue, black and pink.

Control by hud: Kikoken weapon 5 bullets ( push, orbit, explosion, magic and atomic).
Anim, particles and sound effects kikoken

Eyes rigged with movement.

Animations stand (four). Ao Sand, Stand pose, Stand defense and Stand meditation

Animations hits, push 2 meters avatars. (punch, power punch, kick front, kick back, Tenshokyaku, Kikosho, Kakukyakuraku and display.

NPV, Gravity walk and Interceptor-Block.

XLS System Combat Heroes Martial

Detector attack and Mouse detector.

L$ 1,475

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


THX1138 Camel

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

Es apta para los avatares de malla
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