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Clermont Demo Set

Clermont Demo Set
Clermont Demo Set
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Classic Baroque Outfit, designed with truly respect to the period patterns and trends. It includes all the diferent sizes that you can find in the Clermont collection, and the diferent colors that you can choose

You can mix and match the diferent parts as you like! Experiment and make your own Clermont outfit!

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • 100% Mesh Baroque Complete outfit
  • Advanced Materials
  • Standar Sizes XS, S, M, L, XL
  • Frock Coat, Breeches, Tricorne and shoes included

L$ 0

Obtener la versión completa
Le Grenier du Château
Vendido por: Trasgo Beaumont

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Este objeto contiene objetos que se puede poner tu avatar.

Es apta para los avatares clásicos
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