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Compass with (WWC) Wind indicator Versión 3.0

Compass  with (WWC) Wind indicator

Made this as a visual helper for a friend to help her understand the wind better, Bwind sailboats usually have a text hud that is not easy to understand for the beginning sailor.

This hud tells you the heading of your boat.
The winddirection, once you sync it with the sailboat.
It gets wwc cruisewind when summoned.
it gets Boss wind when summoned.
Shows the speed.
Has a timer for the SLSA startline.
Shows what tack your sailing ( so you can shout ROW sometimes and be right about it!)
It also helps you plotting your couse and staying out of the pie of death....
Graphics are just easier then numbers.

Below i pasted the manual.

Compass with wind indicator

You wear this compass as a HUD. ( worn on center by default you can edit it if needed )
The compass ring will show the direction you are facing. ( the point of the little gray boat points towards it)

* if the compass looks weird click it with your right mouse button

The extra on this compass is the ability to show the wind direction.
On touch you will get a menu to set it to the same wind direction your boat uses.

You can choose the [Windsetters]
**WWC is the widely used system created by mothgirl and is backwards compatible with Tako wind ( used by Trudeau and Wildwind)
What i will name Boss wind is the wind older and newer version of Bandit/TMS boats will listen to, set by boss tablet and ipad windsetters

After click the [WWC] button for the compass to search for the WWC wind direction
( A WWC windsetter should be in the same sim, it will show the base wind direction without variations)

Click the [Boss wind On] to have the compass search for the wind when you are in a TMS/Bandit boat and ipad/boss tablets are used to set the wind
If it finds old TMS/Bandit wind ( ipad 1 or 2 ) before wind from a boss tablet it will tell you and stop searching for new wind till you activate listing for wind setters again.
If it finds the newer TMS/Bandit wind (Boss tablet) It will tell you what race directors wind you picked up.
This is important for it will listen to repeater buoys owned by that RD till you touch the compass again
( RD's may use these to change the wind direction along the course in a race)

Choose the menu button [Set Wind Dir]
Then use the Bwind presets, like north, west,.. etc
Or Use the [Say Degrees] button and say 0 to 360 in local

( Note! B-wind boats like the loonetta use a fixed wind the indicator is fairly precise but if you use a boat that catches race-wind the wind is often set to be variable then the indicator might be off so you allays use the HUD text on your boat to trim your sails precisely.)

When in the same region as a race-line that started the countdown the speedometer will show the count down.
If you touch the hud while counting down it will reset to speedometer.

A little about the PIE!
We have a red pie, the wind direction is the middle of the red pie, you cannot sail directly into the wind so you stay out of the pie!
Some boats can sail higher to the wind then others so experiment! You can still use the pie as a reference.

On the other side we have a turquoise pie when your little gray boat points in the middle of that pie the wind is in your back exactly. This is usually not a fast point of sail, so racers like to stay out of that pie too.

Near the red pie your sails should be tight, in the middle of the turquoise pie your sails should be all out, all courses in between these two points of sail the sail is somewhere between tight and loose, look at the hud text on your boat to trim more precise, the sails are usually good at 50% of the apparent wind angle.

You can also see on which tack you are, if you are on a starboard tack you usually have ROW ( Right Of Way) over boats that are on a port tack. Shout ROW in a race or just steer clear anyway because sailing is about more then rules.

Calibrating your compass: ( under the [Config] button
Some boats rotate the avatar that sits on them, then the compass will be off target.
Sit on your boats and steer it north using the minimap as a reference, moor the boat. edit your HUD and rotate it so the N is up. Leave the edit window and touch your HUD, click Calibrate, this will move the little boat and speedometer in the right position. The compass will reset to the normal position when reset it or when you detach and wear it again.

The compass can keep working entering no script area's, this may cause problems controlling some boats, turn it on in the Config menu if you need it.

Happy sailing!

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Sail Helper
  • Wind indicator
  • Speedometer
  • SLSA Start line timer
  • Compass
Clasificación media: estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena
  • 5 estrella:
  • 4 estrella:
  • 3 estrella:
  • 2 estrella:
  • 1 estrella:
it's ok
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía Publicado May 17, 2022 por Aiemmi

After a reply from the creator I was in the need to change the review.
So: it's a very simple compass that show you the direction towards you are sailing.
If you want to use the others features you aspect to lose time to set wind direction first in chat or by the boat's HUD, then to set the same wind direction in this HUD. Otherwise you'll get wrong info.
Compass is very responsive to show you the direction, so we can rate it 4 stars. If you just want to see the direction, you can rate this item 5 stars. But the creator put more features that are not at all practical to use. Better compasses can be found on the market: 'course are much more expensive, but also much more practical and fullfilled of informations and features.

¿Te ha resultado útil esta revisión?
Very Helpful
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado April 29, 2021 por Min McGregor

I am new to sailing, and as others have said, we can't tell which way the wind is blowing in SL. This compass is easy to read and shows when to tack, when the wind is dead, and when to go full sail. Would recommend!

¿Te ha resultado útil esta revisión?
Just do it - hit that buy button.
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado December 04, 2020 por Petros Aabye

Of course we need aids. In SL we do not have wind in our faces, we can't feel the motion of the boat. So we DO need some help. A visual aid like this helps bring that awareness back of where the wind is.
Yes I use other devices but for some boats this is just right. Not messy. Have recommended, even bought, for many friends.

¿Te ha resultado útil esta revisión?
its a must have
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado October 06, 2020 por Kiss Fairlady

$99 !!! now that's value for money. Does what it says on the tin

Excellent. Also gives you accurate compass bearing, unlike mini map which is awful for that

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Compass and Wind Indicator
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado February 29, 2020 por HarukaSenada

Working fine with my Boss Wind Surfer. I am a bad typer .. so no boring text needed anymore.
I was so stupid unpacking the package and moving the script and text in my own Prim lolzzz.
Now I know that the HUD is already complete hehehe ...
Endless number of rating stars Burt.

¿Te ha resultado útil esta revisión?
So great useful device!
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena Publicado January 03, 2018 por CattleyaBeauty

Very easy to use to detailed and works like we have in rl sailing navigation instruments too!

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