Crystal Dome skybox (800 couple poses! bed, hot tub, rug) Versión 4.1

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Welcome to the famed Crystal Dome Skybox by Belle Bartlett & Blaze Nielsen. This amazing ice fortress features OVER 800 couple animations! Enjoy the crackling fireplace inside, or the flickering campfire outside for a sense of total relaxation in a far away ice world. This is truly one of Second Life's finest personal environments for your pleasure. Ideal for those looking for a personal getaway in a private mystical retreat.

276 prims (including hot tub, fireplaces, tub, bed and hot tub). 50 x 50 meter dome

The home is no copy, no modify and no transfer. However it is easily rezzed and derezzed with the rezzer rock.

The Crystal Dome Skybox features:
* Dome menu with 12 scene options
* Hot tub with TWO 230 couple pose sets for two couples to enjoy. (click AquaLove logo for info)
* bed with 230+ animated poses - the famous UltiMate collection with low script memory usage
* Fur rug with 220+ animated poses (touch tray to rez pillows)
* Campfire with glow, click coals for off/on
* Fireplace with off/on glow (click coals)
* Menu to create Snow, Stars, Leaves and glows (by front door).

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  • 460 couple pose double hot tub
  • 230 couple pose bed
  • 220 couple pose fur rug
  • skybox house

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BARTLETT & NIELSEN | skybox  boat bed pool furniture tiki
BARTLETT & NIELSEN | skybox boat bed pool furniture tiki
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Vendido por: Blaze Nielsen
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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

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