Based on a gown by the famous Edwardian fashion house of Maison Redfern, this gorgeous black wool dress has paisley braid work on the lapels. The white prim cuffs have black braid as well. Beneath the jacket is a lovely cream shirtwaist. The whole ensemble makes for a stunning outfit when out and about.
A black satin Edwardian corset is included, as well as two styles of jacket. One is open so that the shirtwaist beneath can be seen, the other jacket is closed. There are two prim collars, one for the jacket and one for the shirtwaist. Even without the jacket, this is a beautifully tailored and elegant ensemble. Truly a must have for any well-dressed Edwardian lady.
2009 season gown, now permenantly reduced in price.
- Original textures
- Omega applier included for gown only