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Cut wound to scar soft

Cut wound to scar soft
Cut wound to scar soft
1 Reseñas

Wound, stitches and scars of very fine cuts. Great for roleplaying the healing process. The scars are very subtle.

Tattoo- and Underwearlayer, tintable to match awide variety of skintones, three tones already included.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado June 17, 2014 por Ancient Zessinthal

can't say enough for these, using the healed scars. very realistic, didn't even have to mess with tinting them, perfect right from the folder. want something that's right the first time, then buy these! can't give enough praise. most others are just foolish looking. so if you want what looks real, you just found them!

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L$ 120

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Ghurab - Black Vulo Design
Vendido por: Zasta Korobase

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