This deluxe regulation sized 20x60m dressage arena features new textures, and the ability to rezz practice patterns to sharpen up your skills on the court!
Partial mesh and weighing in at 24LI - 25 when a practice pattern is rezzed - this new version features higher LOD for visibility and 10 different practice exercises ready-loaded, including 20 meter circles, 10 meter circles, diagonals, and transition guides, suitable for novices and advanced riders alike.
The coloured lines indicate different gaits - what those gaits will be is entirely up to the user and their level. Designed to be flexible and easy to use, simply click the Patterns plate at the entry, pick your pattern, and then when you're done, click it again and select 'clear' to restore the sand to its original pristine condition.
This set also includes an optional 4LI decorative mesh planter to dress up your space.
Comes in a convenient rezzer for easy positioning - no softlinked pieces that can be easily left behind.
copy/mod permissions
This is a fabulous practice arena: Easy to set up, easy to modify, and when compared to the over complicated, over priced arena from BS, this is incredible value!
Thank You :)
What a great deal!
This arena is very easy to set up and use. With the simple pattern selector, you can work on whatever areas you need to practice. It's very nice to have out your backdoor for every-day training. I did have a problem setting it up at first, strictly due to my own inexperience with auto-rezzers. I dropped a NC to the seller and heard back from him within a few hours. With his guidance, I was able to get it up and running within minutes. So, great product, responsive seller, and really good price - that pretty much sums it up.
really brilliant
all the options for tracking etc....what a wonderful creation for this price. Thank you!
This is wonderful
As a RL dressage competitor and lifelong horse person, I really enjoy this arena both for its aesthetics and its accuracy. I would actually recommend something like this for RL riders to practice their serpentines, 20m circles, etc so that their brains can better understand and practice their precision, even if the best SL horses, gaits, etc. aren't "perfect". It's like Dressage Simulator. Thanks.