~Dream Snatcher's Presents~
(DS) Pretty Paws N Claws (BOMR)
!!These layers are ONLY useable for SG Project Regalia Bodies with BOMR Mods active!!
- 17 Paw Pad Layers
- 17 Speckled Paw Pad Layers
- 17 Claw Layers
- All Raw Textures with Copy Mod Permissions! (requested!)
- Make sure you are wearing a BOMR Regalia mod and have your paws and claws (handpaws that take the Regalia UV as well) to Upper and Lower respectively if they arent already.
- Right click Add the Paw Pads of your choice
- Right click Add the Claw layer of your choice*
- Enjoy being pretty and unique and leave a kind review possibly! It helps~<3
*You MUST put the claws on LAST otherwise it wont layer right!
Q: My claws aren't showing up what did I do wrong?
A: You did nothing wrong, BOM Universal Layers glitch on thier loadout. Make sure to take off and put back on your claws LAST. If this doesnt solve your issue go into your Appearance and under Wearing hover over the claw layer and click the lil arrow to the far right to toggle its load order up or down until it renders!
If you have any questions or issues please do not hesitate to reach out to me!
If you also have a color request for this kit let me know I will gladly make and add to an update for this kit for free after purchase!
- Notecard
- 17 colored paw pad layers
- 17 speckled paw pad layers
- 17 claw layers
- tintable coyote cuticle layer