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Damani/Subzero Snowmobile Outfit - Red

Damani/Subzero Snowmobile Outfit - Red

Basic snowmobile outfit and helmet, to go with the:

Red Damani/Subzero Snowmobile

Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star half star
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ATTENTION!! This review is for another product from the same creator.
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Publicado December 21, 2020 por HenryCrawford

Hi, all.

Once again, it's me, Henry. And today, I come to you with a strong disclaimer: The reason I'm reviewing this product is to rant about the Damani deLuxe Weather System, shown here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WeatherSystem-deLuxe-snow-hail-rain-fog-thunder-tornadoes-fire/42727 <---- This product/Weather System quite simply isn't what it used to be. Way back when I first bought it (In-World, unfortunately), it worked perfectly. In short, like a charm. As long as you had your weather emitters rezzed at a reasonable height above your land (No more than 100m), then you could gain all the best weather effects possible! Plus, a few others which most (If not all) the other weather systems quite simply don't have.

Unfortunately, updates and support for the Damani deLuxe Weather System are just about non-existent. And they have been this way for at least a couple of years now...Probably longer. And since I bought the system in-world instead of on the Marketplace, I can't review it directly. Thus, I have to do so using one of this guy's free products. The first problem I had with the system was mostly my fault; the lightning didn't seem to be rezzing. This is because I had the rezzers up to high. Then, one day, while trying to change the weather on the system, I noticed the top part of the controller was fading in and out every second or two! Thus, I tried to contact the creator...No response.

Well, I discovered a handy HUD and was using it fine for a while. Now, all my ground cover won't rez any longer, along with the precipitation from the clouds! And I tried everything to fix it; I do mean everything...Except contacting the creator. No doubt this won't do any good. Slowly, but surely, his once-unique system is breaking down. But what can we do about it? Anything? Anyone!?

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