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Dare Designs: Dark December - red Versión 1

Dare Designs:  Dark December - red
Dare Designs:  Dark December - red
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It may be dark, but Dark December is sure to heat things up regardless. A beautiful ensemble continaing 13 parts including four skirt options and a full lingerie set, this outfit can go from formal gown, to EGL to vampire chic to sexy underwear in just a few clicks. The outfit is velvet with black lace accents. The prim parts are modifiable, and the whole outfit is transferable for easy gift giving.

Dark December comes in eight luscious colors. This particular outfit is RED.

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • 13 parts, which can be combined to form many outfits
  • prim parts are modifiable
  • velvet with lace trim
  • Classic goth style with EGL options

L$ 650

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Dare Designs
Dare Designs
Vendido por: Dare Munro

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