Waterfall, Gazebo, menu driven blossem trees full perm.
1 Reseñas
Please watch the Video that is included in this advertising to get a good impression of the Waterfall.
This Waterfall is full perm. so you can redesign it if you want it.
Also the Gazebo and the Blossem Trees are full perm.
The Blossem Trees are menu driven.
Sounds, trees, flowers an bridge are includes and also full perm.
So you can Resell this producht in your own shop.
Some items are not linked.
- Diving
- Animated
- Swim
- Diving Board
- Fun
Such fun at an amazing price, I've had a lot of fun on this diving tower. Well done!!
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L$ 50
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Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).
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Impacto en el terreno: 27