Dresser Radio Set - Pop Art Versión 0

Vintage Pop Art styled dresser that is also a working radio,100% unique mesh, beautifully created in Blender 3D. It comes with custom designed, matching photo frames set that you can use to frame your own pictures.
The package includes:
- 1 Vintage Pop Art styled dresser with menu radio script installed. (2 prims, menu resizer) - Transfer
- 1 Photo frames set of 4 (1 prim, menu resizer) - Transfer, Modify
- Bonus: 2 Opensource Scripts (Linkset Resize, Auto Update Radio)
- 1 Note for use instruction. Please read this carefully.
- Store Info.
** Please read scripts to see permissions and direct questions of the scripts to the creators.. I don't own the opensource scripts. This sale is for the original mesh only. The scripts are included for your convenience
LOD (Level of Detail) has been adjusted for distant viewing.
Thanks for viewing. :)
- 100% Mesh
- 2 Bonus Scripts - Auto Update Radio, Resizer
- Instruction for use
- 1 Vintage Dresser Mesh (2 prims, Transfer only)
- 1 Matching Phot Frames Set Mesh (1 prim, T, M)
L$ 199
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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.
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