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Dying To Go ( Nasty Verstion )

Dying To Go ( Nasty Verstion )
Dying To Go ( Nasty Verstion )
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I have here for your consideration . This creepy skeleton on the potty Inside the potty . Is the skeletons waste with a candy corn on top.The back of the toilet is a creepy cat ,toilet paper with a black cat print and a candy corn candle with on / off flame. It is a creepy witch skeleton with a spell book and potion bottle in his hand. The potion bottle has animated bubbles and animated blinking eyes and says spook lax. She wears a witch hat and has a broom . Under her feet is a rug that reads.( Never mind the witch beware of the cat ) with a creepy black cat on it. It is copy and there are two versions one with full shadow and one with partial shadow under it. LI is 27 / 28

  • skeleton on the toilet ( with potty in it
  • Halloween
  • Skeleton
  • Creepy
  • toilet

L$ 298

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Country Charm , Holiday Memories, Simple Elegance
Vendido por: ballofire Kanya

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Impacto en el terreno: 28