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English Arabian Horse Saddle Flat Race Horses Versión 1

English Arabian Horse Saddle Flat Race Horses
English Arabian Horse Saddle Flat Race Horses
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This is a simple, black English saddle for use with the ABC horses. It includes English stirrups.

This is only for the ABC horse breed/breeds indicated as each breed has different body dimensions and each item has to be custom fit for each breed. This item is mod/copy to allow for adjustments and, if one is so inclined, to allow for retexturing or other changes. This saddle is worn attached like clothing. This is pretty undetailed.

This item, like all my tack, will usually require some editing as far as adjusting its position once attached to best fit your horse and your riding preferences. This involves putting the saddle into edit and moving it forward or back or side to side a bit. I ride my horses a bit forward of the default position in the middle of the horses back as this is the position people sit on horses real life and all my tack is constructed for this more forward position. You may want to sit farther back and will need to adjust for this. Some instructions are included in a notecard with the set.

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L$ 400

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Winds of Change
Winds of Change
Vendido por: Windchyme Shepherd

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