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Eternity Clock

Eternity Clock
Eternity Clock
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Eternity Clock
Designed with Doctor Who in mind TPOM brings you "The Eternity Clock" This is a 100% Mesh Item that can be placed on the wall of your home or TARDIS. Designed with a TARDIS Blue and wooden finish, perfect for the Whovian in you or a friend.

The clock doesn't actually tell the time in anyway sadly but once rezzed it will display a constant spin as time goes by while the time vortex can be seen swirling away behind.

There are two versions of the clock both with a looped ticking. One loud while the other is more quiet if the ticking gets annoying.

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  • 100% Mesh
  • Spins
  • Ticks

L$ 100

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[T.P.O.M] - Totals Place of Marketing
[T.P.O.M] - Totals Place of Marketing
Vendido por: totalwho91

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Malla: 100% Malla
Impacto en el terreno: 4