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(FA) UM 1h LAVA The Grand Preceptor Box

(FA) UM 1h LAVA The Grand Preceptor Box
(FA) UM 1h LAVA The Grand Preceptor Box
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Here is a 100% Original Materials Enabled Mesh One-Handed Sword for the Unity Maxim Meter. Guaranteed to be low lag.

Will not work with older Unity Meters, only Unity Maxim Meters!!!

Damage scales with level.

  • Unity Maxim One-Handed Sword
  • Resize Scripts
  • Sensor Based Combat
  • Hip Sheath Included
  • 100% Original Materials Enabled Mesh with glowing gems and blade when drawn.

L$ 300

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[FAR] Fallen Arms Rough
[FAR] Fallen Arms Rough
Vendido por: SirSprocket

Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

Es apta para los avatares clásicos y de malla
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