Retro meets modern -- jadeite colored enameled island has all you need -- sink, stovetop and range. Custom baked textures. Four animations lend realism: Read recipe, waiting for tea, washing hands and cutting bread.
This item is NO MODIFY due to animations. If you want a no animation version with mod permissions contact me.
At only 12 LI this piece is great if you are tight on space and also prims! ENJOY!!
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Very cute
animations, and cute accessories. Really good price
Yes and No
Lovely and cute, perfect space saver and great for small kitchen area's. Not being mod is always a pain, since often it is a matter of small adjustments. For me, the shadow under the unit is too dark and the tea pot is off center. This all could have been corrected by it being mod. The bread board and bread was missing and did not rezz during the animation. Not sure why the cookbook is at such an odd angle. Price is of course fab.