Face Tattoo :: Manea ::
Spice up your style !
=> colorable
You don't need to change your skin
No prims
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- sl2 viewer
- Unisex
- Omega Compatibles
- Gen Lab appliers
Looks like in the picture
Looks like in the picture, which was exactly what i was looking for, so thanks :)
I love this face tatto it makes my avi look 20% cooler but seriously the fine detail of the tatto the creator has a customer.I look forward to future realeses.Plus it works on female skins and looks great.
Great face tat
Color is just right and enjoy this creators products.
Wickedly nice.
And give the degree of facial coverage, the color is neither too dark nor too light.
Great product for a great price
you don't need to do anything, just slap it with the skin and there! it's perfect for use.
Splendid price for a splendid tattoo...i'd pay 10 times the value for it.
Buy it!