Family Beach Set/TD/lullabeebs/Zooby Animesh{Pink&Blue} Versión Toddleedoo,LullaBeebs ,Zooby animesh

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* Towel 40 animations can sit on each towel one adults and two kids( Lullabeebs/TD)3 Li
menu with 17 textures to change
*Star copy with bed script for zooby animesh to call the baby can (there are no other animations for zooby animesh only for avatars) 2 LI
*Shark 2 LI
*Umbrella 4 LI
*Whale 1 Li
*Drinks 2 Li
*Cooler 3 Li
*Crab 1
* LiInflatable Ring 2 LI
*Sand Castle 18 animations sit 2 kids and 2 adults 6 LI
Any please send a Juliana suki the detailed note card and I'll see if I can help it.
you always do amazing work Ty for everything you make for families
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