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Fishermans Feast

Fishermans Feast

Fishermans Feast - Food Dispensers and decoration

Fun Food options for a Wharf Tavern, aboard a ship or any place near the water. This Package contains Turtle Soup, Lobster Chowder, Fillets of Salmon on a Wooden plate and Hard Bread in a basket.

Textured to suit older themes. The Lobster Chowder and Turtle Stew are food dispensers - they will give a bowl to any that touch it. The Bread basket and Salmon is purely decorative, but adds a nice touch to your table.

A fun RP tool for many settings or just for entertaining . Rustic textures include some spills on the side of the pots to suit Role Play Camps or show off a bit of the Ship's Cook was clumsy.

Fun Fishermen's Food.
2 Prim - Turtle Stew
5 Prim - Lobster Chowder
6 Prim - Salmon Fillets with slices of bread on a platter
7 prim for the Rustic bread basket

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Enjoy =)

by Savage Designs

tagMedieval, tagFantasy, tagPirate

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  • 4 Items in the Pacakge
  • Decorative and functional prop in many settings
  • Turtle Soup and Lobster Chowder are Food Dispensers
  • Modify Permissions if yu need to change the prim Counts.
Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 1 estrella:

L$ 395

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Frosty Insoo - Savage
Frosty Insoo - Savage
Vendido por: Frosty Insoo

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