G General

Frozen Soul KeyBlade

Frozen Soul KeyBlade

Inside the box you'll find different versions of the weapon depending on what combat system you want to use it with.


-Highly detailed mesh/sculpts were used to make this weapon.

-High quality animations with 3 different SETS.

-HUD or command operated.

-Has versions for almost all the combat meters in SL.

-LowLag scripts were used for this weapon we are careful not to overscript it to make the weapon as smooth as posible.

-We added a resizer script inside to fit properly, its just a single script that you can delete after finding the right size for your av.

-Unlike other weapons that are commonly fixed with a big size, this weapon can still be resized to a much smaller version.

-Please frequently check our redelivery terminal to check for updates, or join our support group...


-You can switch modes for DCS/CCS or GM/ML by pressing the Combat System button (see HUD Guide).

-DCS and LLCS uses LMA(Left Mouse Arrowkey) just press and hold left mouse and attack using the arrow keys.

-CCS uses 3LMA(3rd Person Left Mouse Arrowkey) this is similar to LMA but you cannot attack when you are in Mouse Look.

-GM and NexusCS uses LMO(Left Mouse Only) attack by just pressing left mouse button.


/9draw - draw weapon (for GM versions key in /9draw sword)
/9sheath - sheath weapon (for GM versions key in /9sheath sword)
/9anims style 1- select animation style 1
/9anims style 2- select animation style 2
/9anims style 3- select animation style 3 style 3 is the combination of 1 and 2
/9combat - toggle combat meter selection (this has a different function in NexusCS version)
/9control - toggle control mode (only used for GM/ML versions)
/9hiteffects - toggle hiteffects on/off
/9llcs 10 - set llcs damage to 10
/9llcs 50 - set llcs damage to 50
/9llcs 100 - set llcs damage to 100


-This is a weapon that you can use on our sim and any other nexusCS compatible land.

-Purchasing this weapon will give you acces to a weapon_id character(Lv0), weapon_id characters has higher attributes than helix_id and they can cast rank 2 magic types..
(note: you can not configure or learn abilities with weapon_id(Lv0) characters you can only do that with a Lv1 character)

-If you have a Lv1 character, you can learn the ability indicated on the box...

-You can purchase your level1 character in our sim...

Here are the list of commands for the magics you can use

(note: helix_id characters can only cast rank 1 magics, weapon_id characters can cast both rank 1 and 2)


rank 1

/9cure - Cure
/9tndr - Thunder
/9fire - Fire
/9bio - Bio
/9blzd - Blizzard
/9curs - Curse

rank 2

/9cura - Cura
/9tnda - Thundara
/9fira - Fira
/9bora - Biora
/9bzra - Blizzara
/9cusa - Cursra


/9reset - will reset the meter (note: you cannot reset while you are injured, just detach your meter instead)

/9combat - toggles between combat and noncombat mode

/9target - clears target

/9targets - displays a menu to select your target

/9targetr - select the person whom your cursor is pointed as the target

/9color <color> - Sets your display color. Available Colors: White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Cyan, Grey, DarkRed, DarkGreen, DarkBlue, DarkYellow, DarkPink, DarkCyan

/9name [text] - to set your character name ex. /9name diane

/9? <text> - OOC Chat.

/9/ <text> - CharacterName Chat.

For any other concerns please join the support group...

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i luv it
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado March 10, 2013 por DarkKnight092

probably the most awsome keyblade ive seen. I can use it on any combat system, the detail is extra ordinary, and the animations are perfect

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