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Grasshopper St Bicorne Hat - Full Set Versión 1.1

Grasshopper St Bicorne Hat - Full Set
Grasshopper St Bicorne Hat - Full Set
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Napoleonic style battered wool felt bicorne hat with grosgrain ribbon lacing and edge binding. A tricolor cockade with an antique metal button adorns the left side. Looks great as part of a military uniform, a pirate’s gear, or a steampunk look!

Switch around the 8 hat colors, 8 cockade styles, and 4 metals using the included HUD. Resizable, copy/mod.

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  • Resizable
  • Unisex
  • Original mesh
  • Materials enabled

L$ 360

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Grasshopper St.
Grasshopper St.
Vendido por: MitraArdwyad

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