H&R Backdrop Basketball Court

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Backdrop Basketball Court

100% original mesh
high quality texture
20 prims

The backdrop
contains 3 poses single for male
1 couple pose

The poses were created with AVsitter 2.2-03.01 Second Life has now allowed "experiences" that will allow automatic attachments (without the need for any authorization request except for the first time just activated on earth). To obtain the benefit of automatic attacks with AVprop:
Users must allow the AVsitter experience (from Code Violet) on their land. An experience can be activated at the sim level or the parcel level by adding to the list allowed for the sim or parcel.
If users do not allow the "AVsitter" from the Code Violet experience then each prop will request permission to attack and the user can receive the message impossible to self attack, because the Code Violet AVsitter experience is not enabled on the ground.



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H&R Creation
Visitar la tienda
Vendido por: Anna84 Rewell
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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

  • 0 estrellas 0 Reseñas

  • Permisos:
    Copiar Modificarlo Transferencias Usuario con licencia
  • Reenvío automático
  • Malla: 100% Malla