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With this HUD you can draw a glowing heart in the air right in front of your avatar.
Just attach the "HUD" and the "Heart" object, press "Play Animation" and there you go.
Your Avatar steps forward and uses his hands to make the silhouette of a heart. During that, the heart appears exactly where the hands go forth.
Choose between 3 heart shapes or/and use the Color-Picker to tint the different shapes in your favorite colors.

The Animation is recorded from a real Human and that`s why it looks so amazing real.

Ver el artículo en Second Life Ver vídeo »
  • Choose between 3 Heart Shapes
  • Motion Capture Animation
  • Color Picker for different Heart Colors
  • Show LOVE to your Partner or your Friends
  • Best HUD for DJ`s and Hosts

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Marcus Adkins
Marcus Adkins

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Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

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