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Happy Easter

Happy Easter
Happy Easter
0 Reseñas

This piece is part of our Easter Artwork Collection.

Touch to change size. Don't worry about ruining it, you can always take another out.

Many of our images are copy protected. Sadly I have had two incidents of texture theft. The work you buy will be free from watermarks!

At DragonLady Designs Gallery we offer you Amazing Artwork, professionally framed and exquisitely detailed. Discounts for multi-themed purchases. Dragon art, Fantasy art, Chinese art, Fine art, Egyptian art, Japanese art, neon art & signs, photography, paintings, posters, artistic rugs, ancient pottery, animated artist easels, and more.

Visit my in-world events via my profile pics..

Please join our group for advance notice of new listings and sales: secondlife:///app/group/c138fccc-f523-8497-0633-9aac048e4c79/about

Thank you for your interest in DragonLady Designs Gallery.

  • Resizeable
  • Copiable
  • Framed

L$ 250

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DragonLady Designs Gallery
DragonLady Designs Gallery
Vendido por: DragonLadys Engineer

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Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

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Impacto en el terreno: 2