Invidah* Tempah Bubble Dress (WEAR ME TO UNPACK)
![Invidah* Tempah Bubble Dress (WEAR ME TO UNPACK)](
IMPORTANT!!! This product contains mesh please try demo before purchasing
You are viewing the Tempah Bubble Dress from Invidah
A cute baggy Mesh dress. Comes with Seven (7) colors in Texture HUD.
Package includes:
- Dress fitted for Slink Hourglass
- Dress fitted for Slink Original
- Dress fitted for Maitreya
- Dress fitted for TMP
- Dress Regular Fitted Mesh (try demo)
- Dress Alpha
- This product is NOT recommended for mesh bodies that were not listed above.
- PERMISSIONS... all included items are copy. the non-mesh skirt panels and alpha layers are copy/mod so you may adjust as needed to fit your avatar.
Please consider leaving a review. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
(Kaarah Resident). Note card or IMs whatever your preference I will assist in anyway I can.
Reviews are always welcome, your opinion is important to me however if you have issues with the product I advise you to contact me in-world for a speedy and effective resolution. I DO NOT follow up on product reviews.
Thank you in advance for your Purchase!
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