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J&M Hendrix Purple Haze Tribute Bike-Boxed

J&M Hendrix Purple Haze Tribute Bike-Boxed
J&M Hendrix Purple Haze Tribute Bike-Boxed
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Colab bike from J&M. Purple haze word art tribute bike to Jimi Hendrix. This bike has custom made animations to fit a smaller and male avis. The bike itself can be resized from the menu and comes with instructions of how to use everything on the menu.

18 park animations + Idle, drive and reverse animations.
Working horn and engine sounds.
Includes a driver hud that you can adjust all the animations and bike settings.

The mesh itself should be modify but the scripts, animations and everything in the bike is no mod.

You can see the bike on display that the in world store by using the casper vend to rez it.

Any questions, contact me in world.

Ver el artículo en Second Life

L$ 1,100

Añadiendo al carrito como regalo


Myst Fashion
Vendido por: Mystiminx Firehawk

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Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

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